What do the homeless request the most?

What do the homeless request the most?

Socks are the number one requested item amongst homeless shelters but are the least donated. Possibly due to the fact that you can't recycle socks and donate them after use. Sydney Sock Project are currently tackling this issue within Australia and hope to have every homeless person within the country in a comfortable pair of socks.

The team have engineered the perfect outdoors sock with a main focus on the durability component of material and the reinforcement of the heel and toe areas. The team have partnered with various organisations across the country in order to facilitate the donations and to ensure every pair is distributed as fairly as possible.

Winter in Australia can be an unbearable experience for the homeless community and be the main cause of illness. 
Prevalence of any foot problem ranged from 9% to 65% across study populations. Common foot-related concerns were corns and calluses, nail pathologies, and infections. Foot pathologies related to chronic diseases such as diabetes were identified. A key issue related to these problems was poor foot hygiene.

A clean, warm and anti-bacterial sock can be of tremendous use for the homeless community.

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