With R U OK? day this Thursday the 12th of September, it's important to understand the signs of depression and approach someone you believe may be struggling.
Know the signs, trust your gut instinct and act on it. All it takes is a simple conversation that could help that family member, friend or workmate open up.
Suicide is a prominent community concern in Australia with the ABS reporting 3,128 deaths by suicide in 2017.
R U OK?'s 2019 national omnibus survey revealed:
- Approximately two-thirds of people (63%) are not confident they know the signs that someone might be struggling with life
- 41% hadn’t asked someone if they were OK because they weren’t sure they knew the signs
- But there is hope, with nearly 1 in 2 (49%) believing they’d be more confident starting a conversation if they knew the signs
In certain cases, a conversation can be too big for a friend or family member. It is crucial to seek further options such as encouraging them to connect with a health professional like their GP.
Through collaborative efforts we can work towards having a world without suicide.