Get a FREE pair of BIN CHICKEN SOCKS when your order 5 or more pairs!




We have had a busy weekend in the lead up to the start of Spring which saw over 100 pairs of socks sold. Thank you to South Village Market & Bondi Markets for having us and also to our AMAZING CUSTOMERS for supporting our mission & being so supportive.

The breakdown of donations include:
- 22 pairs of socks for the homeless.
- 112 days worth of educational supplies for a dis-advantaged primary child. 
- 39 donations made out to support Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. 
- 13 donations to support Bee Conservation across Australia. 

Your contribution goes a long way in achieving our vision of creating a positive social impact to those in need. For the next coming weeks our team will be focusing on seeking new partners to support and also getting creative in the drawing room designing new FUNKY socks. We have had the pleasure to speak to our customers directly and seek out what designs they would like to see in the future. We we're even given the suggestion to bring in a sock with "coffee cups and poos" on them. We will bring this HILARIOUS suggestion to our designers and see what they think....

For now, we wish you all a Spring filled with love and laughter to go along with this beautiful weather we have been fortunate to receive. 

- The Sydney Sock Project Team

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